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Another Classic Example...

of why computerization may not always be desirable. Sucre, like me, takes private driving lessons so I could compare our experiences before and after all the computerization. Not too long ago, I gave the first example, so here's the latest for the practical test system.

How to book for practical test (For Private Students)

Instructor: "Which day you prefer? Morning can or not?"
Me: "Anything lah" (Since I was student then, easy to arrange my time mah)
Instructor: "Pass me your PDL, your BTT and ATT results and I book for you"

Next lesson

Instructor: "Ok... 30 Feb 02 is your test at 1:23pm"
Me: pay up for booking fee

1.) Log in to Comfort Driving centre website, click to book test, enter instructor I.D., accept terms and conditions and select type of test to display dates available.
2.) The page did not load correctly, test information not available. Repeat step 1 using I.E.
3.) Log in to page, selected test date/time but not allowed to proceed because membership will expire before the test date. Please pay S$5.25 to renew membership
4.) Renew membership, repeat step 1 but not allowed to proceed because less than S$20 in account so can't book the test.
5.) Load top up page to log into E-Nets system. Need to top up S$5.25 only, but minimum top up is S$8, what the heck?!
6.) Log into E-Nets system, double check entries are correct. Click submit. Session expired! Please log in to Comfort Driving and re-initiate to pay!
7.) Log into E-Nets again, pay up in double quick time
8.) Repeat step 1 yet again, select the only date/time slot available for the month
9.) Application denied because instructor booked that slot already

Next Day
10.) Call Comfort to check - "All slots are booked, please try again next Wednesday"

To be continued... (why? Because Sucre yet to book her practical test date!)


At 5:42 pm Anonymous said...

hullo! was bloghopping. care to link up? tag me back (",)


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