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Last weekend may not be the best time for birding due to the cloudy/hazy nature but it's better than the rainy kind I faced a few months back when I tried to do some BIF shots with my H1. These may not be great shots but it still is my first BIF shots in not so ideal conditions using a cheap telephoto lens.

Incoming! Enemy ahead!

Making a turn...

This is not a remote controlled bird and that string is not a signal receiver...

Flying low...

Target spotted. Pray it don't drop a bomb en route...

Back facing me...

And my favourite: Motion blurred bird in flight.. looks fake but its real! trust me!

Hit rate is low initially and I need more practice to learn how to do BIF properly, if I ever want to do more BIF shots that is. So many areas of photography to try... lol...

Coming up soon.. small BIF, flightless birds, birds feeding and simply just birds (What do you expect at the bird park)

All shots taken with the Sony Alpha A100 with Minolta 75-300mm f4.5-5.6 (D) lens


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