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The Internet is still revolutionizing the things average joe could do and reinventing the wheel in many ways, and in some cases, doing better.

We had wikipedia which is an encyclopedia that is constantly updated which in my opinion is a better and more reliable source of whatever crazy information you ever wanted to find save for the frequent sabotages on some tacky entries.

We had Peer to Peer sharing in the form of Napster, KaZaa (Gnutella), Torrents and the once popular mIRC, that changes the way information and media are transferred causing pirated shops in Singapore to face pressure from the police and falling demands.

We had bloggers who could publish articles and photos that the local print media won't even think of publishing. And these bloggers don't even have to go through a moderator like a forum would so they are free to say what they want as long as they could prove what they said in the event of a lawsuit.

Now, even radio and television have to step aside as podcasting and videoblogging is coming up. mrbrown had his audio podcast for quite some time but is this girl from China that had really captured my attention lately. Take a look at dodolook and her video blogs as she tries to tell joke, act funny the taiwan comedian host way (小 S) and do her own version of MTVs. She even have her own fanclub!

Step aside furongjiejie and xiaxue as the new queen of blogger is here to stay. And she's cute without all the photoshopping too.

Mai Ah Hey, the dodolook MTV.


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