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I feel so Guilty...

For working (ppt for lesson and test paper) in a place like this... Ahh... and now is the harsh reality of term 2 starting tomorrow... darn~~~

Besides working, I spend my other time eating, drinking, sleeping, slacking and taking photographs...

Photographs like these... xiaobudian enjoying herself on the now beach 6 hours ago (and later) pool

While adults do their adult things... seducing fishes for their meat and enjoyment in fishing (at most i seduce them to take photograph only)

No, I did not stay inside this building for the past 3 days, but it was the one behind it. But it's not as cool as taking a photo of this beauty.

Almost brought home 900 1000 photos, enough to last till level camp for my random photo blogging once every random day. Again, tired...


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