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Lessons from History

Too busy to blog... partly due to work, partly due to these lecture series.

Some of the lecture series are now on Channel U, Tuesday night at 9:30pm on Confucius and his teachings. For me, I'm more interested in the history of Ming and Qing Dynasty and the stories of the three kingdoms.

Why this episode? Because it shows 3 things that I strongly believe in, that happened during the era of the three kingdoms.

1.) That we should reflect on ourselves when we fail.
2.) That we should give credit to others when we succeed.
3.) That EQ is important.

The same can be applied to studies. I just mentioned about point 1 not long ago about a recent incident. This person A didn't do certain work very well and put the blame on person B because person B didn't help him in the work. This is very common in the school environment. At the end of the day, nothing is learned from the failure and he will make the same mistake again.
(Names changed to protect their identity, duh...)

Let's try to be a 善败将军


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