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First we have our Alpha babes

And we have our Cybershot girls

Finally the Vaio ladies

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Some of these models seem familiar. Think I might have seen them around in other Sony events.

Went to the IT Show 2007 on Friday and found many photographers who brought their complete gear (with flash and good lens) taking photographs of these Sony girls (or ladies, wonder if anyone is older than me.. sigh...). Anyway, there was this huge commotion when they were posing with their respective Sony products as guys ranging from camera phone to big dSLR were taking photos continuously. PB was trying to get her cash back from the Canon booth when Sony invaded that area.

One cool remark from Dee, paraphrased, "The girls seem to look at the large cameras more (than the point and shoot and camera phone)". That's why I managed to get some girls looking at my camera but not all.


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