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Jack of All Trades

Finally I had sort of completed my 3 basic courses for the year only after surviving through another mind boggling super condensed course filled with acronyms of all sorts. Frankly speaking, I don't like the way they deal with those topics personally because they gave a brief outline to SO MANY different models (one acronym for each) and we barely scratched the surface to see for ourselves if those wonderful theoretical models would work or not.


I admit that its important to cover a wide breadth but PLEASE! Select one method/area/focus to cover in sufficient depth! You don't do yourself credit and get others interested in those wonderful methods that you preach without going in depth at all!

Just like people who are interested with photography most likely picked up an old 35mm dummy camera or started off with a digital point and shoot (both applies to me at different stages of my life) rather than going through all the technical jargon of aperture, shutter speed, depth of field blah blah blah.... I don't believe that anyone's first experience with photography is through learning the rule of thirds and he/she fell in love with it ever since. There's a higher chance that I would get killed by a falling meteorite of krytonite and get reincarnated as Superman instead!

So please just show us puny beginning teachers a useful and easy to learn model for us to apply back in school. If that model worked, it will get us hooked. And when we find situations where it does not apply, we will return with a greater hunger for more. You didn't teach your kid how to run before he/she start to crawl right? These courses are really bad teaching examples for teachers to follow. Tsk Tsk!


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