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The Alpha Moon

Wanted to do an Alpha moon but the skies were unforgiving until tonight. Here's a sized down Alpha moon! Can you believe it? The original size is much at least 25% larger than this. Of course I don't own any expensive lens that could get this huge moon, but I did some improvisation and got a moon much bigger than my H1 + DH1758 moon.

This is just fresh from the oven, but it's cooked and no long raw (pun intended)... lol..

The Alpha preliminary moon. Just cropped and did some basic sharpening. This is a resized version, you can click on the image to get the larger one.

Just for comparison, this is a 100% crop of my previous H1 + DH1758 moon.

Getting tired, maybe I may have time tomorrow to do some photo editing to make a blue moon out of it. Most likely a fake one that is... so as not to raise any expectations. Haha...

Finally I have a moon that is worthy as a wallpaper, that is big enough to set as one.


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