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Parents these Days

Really, these days parents don't teach their children or they teach the wrong things. I'm so worried that would I be one of them in the future. Just remember a young couple yesterday spoiling their daughter by letting her enjoy those 20 cents rides found in kopitiam when she demands it. "This is the last time lah" said her mother, but it never was to be the last.

Then there was once I saw a boy, who seems to be 7-8 years old at IKEA who throw his tantrum at the kids section. He was kicking around and lying flat on the floor refusing to leave. But none of them as startling as this case.

"Well," she said, "we have a bit of a situation. You see, my nine year old son found your camera, and we wanted to show him to do the right thing, so we called, but now he's been using it for a week and he really loves it and we can't bear to take it from him."

I listened, not sure where she was going with this.

"And he was recently diagnosed with diabetes, and he's now convinced he has bad luck, and finding the camera was good luck, and so we can't tell him that he has to give it up. Also we had to spend a lot of money to get a charger and a memory card."

It started to dawn on me that she had no intention of returning the camera.
Yeah, do the right thing. Take a USD$500 camera and return the photographs and tell people they are lucky to get back the photos. How sweet of them.

Now, can I do the right thing if I'm a parent?



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