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Kiwi Trip - Day 2

Day 2 was a rainy day. With temperature going as low as 0 degrees celsius! No joke, I took a picture of the outdoor thermometer in Twizel using Sucre's handphone so I got proof. Just too lazy to get it out and share it here. Anyway... the rain spoiled most of the day as the scenic flight was cancelled. Was so looking forward to it especially after getting a taste of it from the flight to Christchurch. Not many good photos taken in the rain. Our basic day out was like snap a few shots, wipe our lens and snap a few more shots. Reminds me of another photoshoot in the neighbouring country. It's no joke taking pictures in this cold weather, though its the first time I tried the A700 with my gloves on and it is really easy to operate (except for pinching the lens cap off) due to the generous spacing between buttons on the camera.

On our way to Lake Tekapo, we saw this... black sheeps on the left and white ones on the right. (actually the black ones are cows)

The landmark church at Lake Tekapo. Will never know how beautiful it can be since it was cloudy, rainy and cold when we were there.

Lake Ohau was not part of the itinerary but since we have time to spare as the flight was canceled, we just drop by since we drove around the area.

Our brunch at Lake Tekapo. I really suspect the breakfast I ate caused the problems for me that night. Either that or I have yet to fully recover at that point of time.

Day 2 was the first real road trip. First time driving more than 300km, but luckily got Sucre to share the 'work' with me. The trip from Christchurch to Lake Tekapo and Twizel was quite an eye opener to the beautiful side of New Zealand. Little did we know that the experience will be surpassed by subsequent road trips. So much so that we agree that the best part of our trip was the driving as we relied on the GPS system to bring us from point A to B without knowing what to expect on our way there. And mind you the GPS system brought us to the various scenic route that we didn't knew of from the online driving trip planner.

Neverlost. Indeed, on our first day, it brought us to the Motel via some route that I would never have imagined had I relied on the map. Without the GPS system, I would have made a few extra detours/U-turns to find my way because 1.) the entrance to the Motel can be hidden by the many cars parked at roadside, 2.) there is no right turn into the Motel. With it, we are really Neverlost.

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