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I made friend with my pen

A red one that is.

The H1 red pen with the M3358 close up filter, with flash

School reopened for only the 2nd day and I'm already packed with stuff to do... no wonder people say that teaching is a half day job, it takes 12 hours a day! Here's just a brief breakdown of tasks that I'm suppose to do, and to expect much more to come along once I get my CCA and if I become part of any committee.

  1. Set 95 marks worth of questions for prelim examinations
  2. Be a mentor for the IDMI week
  3. Mentor for the parent child day
  4. Mentor for pet rocket programme (seems familiar to the good old rocketry competition that I used to organize in NUS)
  5. Set test paper for next week
  6. Level coordinator for some stuff that I'm not even sure of what is it, yet.
Phew! And that's on top of the regular duties that I'm suppose to do - teach.

I just hope that I get to know my friend well enough.

Same H1 red pen, with M3358 close up filter, without flash.

Meanwhile, expect shorter posts and longer update times


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