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It's Over and I'm coming HOME~~~

It's finally over. RP was a nice old fellow who speaks very slowly now but their stuff gets a bit too repetitive regardless of the sessions we go for the conference. Let me 'exemplify' here.

E.g. Session on why cows are blue
Brief intro/recap of RP's CT model
Question on what are cows
Using one of the 8 elements to discuss about cows (e.g. what is the purpose
of cows being blue)
share with your neighbour
Repeat for another element/standard/trait
Until end of the session.

This process repeats regardless of which session we attend (except for the sharing session by other schools in USA). Enoch Hale or the other guy (can't remember name) may be coming over next year to bring CT back to school. I wished Dr Gerard Nosich can come over, at least he has some fresh materials for his sessions. Unlike RP who recycles his jokes and slides and the other guy who parrots... ah well..

It does give us plenty of practice on RP's CT model after 6 gruesome days of thinking criticallly... and the joke of the conference was that if we practice this when we return to school and question our colleague's assumptions, purpose etc, the 11 of us will be very lonely and lose all our friends. When asked if I'm attending the round table discussion, my response was 'why do I want to make myself angry?'

Jokes aside, San Franscisco is beautiful and foggy. Took some nice pictures which I will share when I return.


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