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Constantly Stretched...

Helo Helo Bintan

Us teachers try to 'stretch' our student's whenever possible to lead them to greater heights, at the same time I'm 'stretching' myself a lot too... I'll be happy if I can find time to blog in the near future (i.e. 3 months), presentation, exams, renovation, banquet, shifting, reservists x2.5 weeks (in my holidays too!), and many other stuff to do at the same time on top of my day job as an educator.

Outside of the Indra Maya Villa where we stayed in Bintan

I'll have to prioritize and manage my time very well... which means the occasional posts here with less photos and little photoshopping. Maybe 10 years down the road I will look back at today and wonder how I managed to balance so many things so well at the same time... Ah well, that's the price for DIY approach in so many things in life...

Dragonfly inside the villa (100mm macro)


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