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Top 10 list

I should be sleeping but I want to wait for my medicine to take effect (a.k.a. drowsy) before I lie on my bed. Meanwhile, something relevant to all the year 4s students, especially after all the 'negative' comments from the year 5 representatives

Adapted from here

Top 10 Reasons Why Physics Is A Difficult Course

10. Big, long words like electromagnetic radiation.

9. Wacky experiments like the Schroedinger Cat Experiment and the Milliken Oil Drop Experiment. (Comment - Year 5 will know Milikan for sure, if they took Physics)

8. There's a whole lot of math.

7. Physics is like a whole other language.

6. It is VERY comprehensive.

5. There's a whole lot of math.

4. It makes you think critically about things that don't make sense.

3. You have a preconceived notion that it is going to be tough.

2. There's a whole lot of math AND we do some things that your math teachers told you never to do. (Just don't tell them I said so.)

1. It crosses over into subjects such as history, astronomy, biology, chemistry, literature, English, art and geology. Oh, yeah... did I mention there's a lot of math in it too?

Top 10 Reasons Why Physics Can Be A GREAT Course

10. Your teacher may catch himself on fire this year.

9. It's alright to be a nerd! In ten years the nerds in your class will be making the most money.

8. Help is only one question away.

7. If you are good at math or you like to study foreign languages then you're in the right place.

6. We do a lot of laboratory exercises that allow you to be a leader!

5. Science can be one of the most rewarding things to study - it is very dynamic!

4. You may surprise yourself with how much you already know about science!

3. You might just find that physics will lead you to a rewarding career.

2. Physics is all around you! If you've ever heard anything, walked anywhere or driven a car then you've experienced some phenonomea that physics describes.

1. You've got a teacher who wants everyone to succeed!


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