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I touched evil

A shot taken with the Sony's new Alpha A700 dSLR in Sony Gallery. ISO6400, 18mm f9.0 (18-70mm f3.5-5.6 kit lens) without postprocessing

Yes.. I handled evil for like 10 minutes and managed to slip in my CF card to grab a few snapshots in jpg home. Had some raws too but without Photoshop CS3 or Sony's 2nd generation converter, there is little I could do with it.

If I didn't mention, bet you can hardly tell that the photo taken above was at ISO6400. The output looks usable for small prints.

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Two 100% crop. The first one is in focus area... seem to show good promise. The second in the background out of focus zone which seem like painting but it's ISO6400 mind you.

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Another ISO6400 shot but this time at 70mm.

The black colour patch you see on the right of the last crop shot is the back of a lady. All the noise mashed up the details. It wasn't in focus anyway and another amazing shot I would say.

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The last set of shots I'll be showcasing here. This time at ISO1600 with the 50mm af f1.4 lens at f8.0. It looks almost as good as ISO400 on my A100.

The A700 in another guy's hand.

There's one thing that I noticed first after handling the evil A700 compared to my good old A100, the speed. The A100 isn't really slow in its class but I'm faster than it in many ways. I could leave it in continuous drive mode and take single shot with it because of shutter lag and the comfortable 2.x fps burst rate. I wasn't prepared for the speed of the A700 when I held it and fired off some shots, unknown to me that it was left in drive mode. Click click click. It fired off 3 shots before I could take my finger off the shutter button. The speed proves that A700 is a different class of camera, right up there with big boys in photography.


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