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Random sickness bugs me this saturday and I'm all aching from all the overdue exercise that I'm doing in preparation for my coming IPPT, one that I'm going to fail but not without trying. I took more than 4 months of intensive workout before passing my previous one so only the extremely optimistic people will think that I'll pass this time round. Looks like RT for me.

Here's something from one of my crazier physics class, adventures of Mr Wave E.M. and the students seem to get a good laugh out of it.

As for the double physics test (year 5 and year 3), I'll just say that I have finish marking and the results can be better for both levels. Score is not finalized but doubt it will deviate much. Aint suppose to release results but I'll just put up some descriptive statistics on the performance for my class only

Year 5 Physics
Mean - 13.8 (Strong B average)
Standard Deviation - 4.2
Overall remarks - most did reasonably well and improved from their 1st test but the gap between the best and the worst is still there based on the standard deviation. Still no full marks candidate. Those who didn't do well are those who are lost in how to apply equations of motion to solve kinematics problems.

Year 3 Physics
Mean - 12.9 (Average B)
Standard Deviation - 2.5
Overall remarks - seems that most students have problems with reading a vernier scale properly, others would have misread the question and generally sloppy in their construction of ray diagrams etc as many marks were lost unnecessarily. A rather homogenous class from the significantly lower standard deviation (similar to my year 4 batch) but is underperforming at this moment.

It's always fun to have a test because this is a chance for me to reflect on my own teaching too. Looks like I need to handhold my year 3 class a bit more...

Next week...
Busy time of the year to collect journal entries and do file check etc...


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