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Mother Nature @ Kent Ridge Park

What I found at Kent Ridge Park too...

Little yellow flower. This is 'vivid' yellow. (Colour of Getz before face lift, my first choice colour for my Getz too. *Wedelia trilobata, how do you even pronounce it)

Another yellow flower. This is sheer yellow. (Colour of Getz after face life, shun away from yellow and chose blue instead. *This is not a flower but camouflaged leaves)

Purple flowers now. (*Duranta 'Dwarf Yellow' erecta, I prefer to name 'em purple flowers, more intuitive)

Orange fruits.

I guess by now you would have figured out that my knowledge of plants and flowers is almost near zilch based on my less than creative names given to my photographs. Would appreciate if someone could identify and give its proper name...

Leaves... And fractal patterns in nature..

This is how the tree looks like...

It takes more than 2 post to really sum up this forgotten park in Singapore so expect another coming up soon...

All photos taken with the Sony A100 using the Minolta 75-300mm f4.5-f5.6 lens. No postprocessing done, not even cropping to make the framing better. Just don't have the time yet.

Updated 03/10/06
Do you know that there is a book with all the flower names including photos for indentification? In full colour some more. I should start compiling my own flower photobook. Updates are noted with an asterix *


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