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Mastermind's NIE Commencement 2006

As mentioned in the other bloggie hee.. Mastermind had his commencement on 13th July 2006.. hm.. overall.. the thing was pretty ok expect for the fact that we won't really allowed to go to the washrooms and perhaps.. the list is a bit long... 700+ names to go through before the whole event ended haha.. phew! Despite all these... the food is pretty nice (accidentally took some food from the table meant for the VIPs)...

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The Banner ...

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Pledge taken by the graduating teachers.. if only the students are able to understand the hopes that their teachers have upon graduating....

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Entering all the VIPs..

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The Guest of Honor..

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The seat in front of me...

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The little booklet given to us at the enterance of the LT

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Something that caught my attention while waiting for the long list to end...
Einstein's Equation: E = m(c^2)

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How the ceremony looks like... Pretty lady...

Two years down the road and I'll be in Mastermind's shoes haha.. together with my fellow classmates/teachers-to-be haha..


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