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Golden Ratio 1.618

The Golden ratio of two quantities a and b is (a+b)/a = a/b where a is the larger value and b the smaller. This quantity have many interesting mathematical properties and aesthetics value. It's a pretty number to have and to design things after it. In simple sense, if you have a rod of length A and you cut it into 2 pieces of length B and C, then A:B = B:C where A>B>C.

What golden ratio may mean to you is that if your height is 1.62m, ideally your legs (lower body till waist I guess) should be 1m long for that balance between symmetry and asymmetry. Or if your face is 16.2cm long, your eyes should ideally be placed at 10cm above the base etc. Even the rule of thirds in photography follows the golden ratio approximately as the golden ratio would have divided a frame in 62% and 38% compared to 33% and 66% with the rule.

If I remembered this ratio when I'm painting my house, I would definitely had applied it somewhere. I have slightly short legs as my ratio is 1.74, what's yours?



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