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Grab a coke and some popcorns, be ready for some more drama brewing (yet again) at Tomorrow.sg that you will never get to see in local productions. Scandal after scandal, is it Tomorrow never dies or will there be no more Tomorrow? Everybody loves scandals and here's how it all started.

Scandal 1 - Tomorrow.sg get caught with their pants down
Tomorrow.sg posted a scandal on their editor (see scandal 2 below) and took it off almost immediately. But not before someone catching them doing it.

Starryluvly said:

Really, the editors at Tomorrow are not doing any favours for themselves. If I submitted a site calling XX a bitch and a whore, fine don't publish it. Obviously it wasn't that, otherwise the two editors wouldn't have published it in the first place. I doubt the two editors would have published it without reading the article I posted - if they didn't that why the hell are they editors in the first place?
Oh, the editors there already have a track record of being poor editors. I have lament the lack of standards twice, here and here. Besides, this is like the 2nd scandal in as many months the blokes at tomorrow.sg managed to get themselves in.

Scandal 2 - The Secrets Behind Why Xiaxue is so *Ahem* Popular

Geek Geek said:

In life, I am constantly reminded of the SAF creed:"You can do whatever you want, just don't get caught." My corollary to that, of course, is:"If you get caught, at least have the balls to admit it and go down with some dignity."

As you may or may not know, there is yet another huge scandal in the making in the local blog circles. Apparently, our very famous Xiaxue has been accused of impersonating as one of her haters, Xialanxue, and even went so far as to create a hate site under Xialanxue's name to poke fun at yet another enemy of Xiaxue, namely, Blinkmummy.
This is what is known as the mother of all scandal that started it. A certain editor get herself caught with her skirt down. (See scandal 3)

Scandal 3 - Censorship @ Tomorrow.sg

Anonymous Coward said:

Seems like our XX editor has removed XLX trackback at least 3 times plus some comments too!
msc said:

please take note the timing and who's online or offline

@ 11+pm
http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f223/missyshannon/Untitled-1.jpg @ 1+am
xlx link is gone?
The disappearing trackbacks and comments stunt comes after the disappearing post act in Scandal 1.

Scandalous Reads
Does Tomorrow Have a Tomorrow? (I got that covered last month)
Xiaxue, The Exposé (The source of Scandal 2)



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