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Which is better? Natural colours or the bluish one? I prefer things to be natural but the bluish one seems more appealing. Finally found a use for the breakneck shutter speed of 1/1000 seconds. Had no choice but to combine it with an aperture of f8.0 which means diffraction (physics majors note) effect is in place, according to the H1 whitepaper (maybe we could test using monochromatic light to see the patterns).

Natural colours of the sunset outside my window

Bluish sunset.

Pardon the angles as I took the photos with hand so there is some discrepancies on the viewing angles of both images. I tried to correct it by rotating the photos and cropping it to make it as similar as I could bother to do so.

I always use Flickr for photos on blog and I had found a way to work around the uploading limits it have for free accounts. Unlike other free image hosting sites such as Webshots, Imagestation and Photobucket, Flickr limits the upload bandwidth of free accounts instead of limiting the no. of photos, download bandwidth or storage limit. This makes Flickr best for blogging (they even get the html code ready for you) and posting images up for sharing on screen with friends and family if you can work around the 20mb per month uploading limit.

Therefore, it is always good to resize your images to the maximum width of 1024 pixels and compress the image to give you a filesize of about 50kb (like the images you see above) per pic. In that way, you can get 400 pics a month which is more than enough for most purposes. Still not enough? Going down to 800x600 could give you additional 20% saved space or 500 pics a month but that means your friends are unlikely to use your nice photos as desktop wallpapers.

To do all the resizing effectively and efficiently, I use dimin image viewer as it can batch process all the images in a folder quickly and the flickr uploader to load all of them to flickr painlessly.



At 1:55 am Anonymous said...

Hi, was just surfing and saw you had an entry on sultan shoal last year. Just wanted to ask how to get there? Cheers

At 7:29 pm Mastermind said...

Obviously you had to get there by boat.

But Sultan Shoal is a privately owned island and not open to the general public. So if you are asking how to get there, chances are you can't get the permission to go there either.


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