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How many sides do a die have? 6 sided just like the one above? Now I had seen 3 sided and 8 sided dice when I was just a boy but today, I got to see more than that. Look at all these regular and fair dice I've got.

The 4 sided die, you read off the value from the base of the die.

The 8 sided die with triangles as the face of the die.

This is actually a 10 sided die. The value starts from 0. Perfect for choosing 4D numbers. Each face seems to be a quadrilateral.

A 12-sided die with pentagon as the face.

The mother of them all, a 20 sided triangle face die.

Comes in green too

All these dice are for one game, it's call maths warrior. It's a 2 players game where the objective is to "kill" all your opponent's dice by using Math and luck. Basically, players take turns to attack and of course there's maths involved. Want to get a set for yourself? Contact me lar... Think it costs about $12 for a set of 12 die above with instructions etc...



At 6:24 am bliz said...

Hm...smells like DnD and Magic.
$12 for a set of 12 die is cheap I think...too bad I have no use for it.

I've read 'The man who loved only numbers' and watched 'A beautiful mind' too...Maybe you might want to read 'A mathematican's apology' by Hardy.

You must be a physics major i guess...listing 'a brief history of time' as leisure physics...

I myself am into maths, computers and physics.

At 7:53 am Mastermind said...

Ahh... Hardy, the guy who wrote the apology because he found himself to be unable to do maths when he is old.

I did read maths and physics in university. what about you?


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