Went swimming with my darling xiao bu dian hee.. phew~~ finally got a break hee.. though it's a mini one but nonetheless, it's still a break hee..
Paisay hk for not being about to make it for the shopping trip to get the present that you wanted from bugis hee.. hope you managed to get it yah hee..
Here are some photos of xiao du dian taken while we were waiting for the bus to go for lunch hee.. have fun hee..
Yi? what is this big big thing???
Aiya, who cares hee.. just grab and see... opps.. hee.. hope no one's looking hee..
Stun! Why is it floating???
Chey! That's how it manages to "float" sheesh~~~ grumble grumble...
Powerpuff power~~~ HEYA!!!
Hee... paisay paisay... hee...
Hee... cute orh~~~ lalala~~`
Here comes the bus and we got onto it hee.. here we go~~~
Sigh.. why do we have to get a seat with the sun shinning in???
No choice~~~ just the best out of it lah...
Ye ye~~~ bus bus!!!
Oh look who's big finger is that?!!
Hee.. that's all folks hee...