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Upgrading to Uncle (v1.01)

At 6pm France time, or 12 midnight tonight, my sister will be making a trip back to the hospital awaiting for the birth of my little niece Yuxing. In about a week after labour day, my sis is going to go through her's. How time flies, it seems like only yesterday when she flew to France to live with her husband who's working there.

Going to be an uncle soon. Joining the Singapore work force in 6 weeks time. Lived through a quarter of a century (Hence joining the Cat Y1 group in SAF). In other words, I'm not getting any younger. Ouch!

Reality aside, now what kind of Uncle should I be? The generous kind who gives a big fat ang pow every year? The noisy kind who talks loudly during CNY? The gambling king type who never leaves the mahjong table? Or a combination of all 3.

Update: as of 8 May, 2.55pm France time (8.55pm Singapore time), a 3.77kg, 58cm tall big baby girl was born and thus completes the upgrade for me.


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