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Thou Shalt not Blog

Note to myself, do not bite on the hand that feeds me. Or I might be threatened with legal actions and the news may get to whole of asia after 2 weeks. So much for being a scholar when they treat you badly, sigh... In the ideal world, the chairman should just email the scholar to express his points firmly and make his request heard, threats should only be used when other means fail. Meanwhile they should also check if other scholars share the same view and if their concerns are true, review the system and if it's false, take the effort to clear their doubts. Don't you think so? Coincidently, I guess he is among the same Elites who earn millions right, afterall he is the boss of A (Asterix) Star . But this is only one side of the story, wonder if elites keep blogs or not.

This post underwent self-censorship, the author is not affliated to any of the entities or individuals mentioned above but he is not sure if his future boss isn't.


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